Saturday, September 4, 2010

Weekend Update

Hello Everyone,

I hope that you are all enjoying your weekend.  Your homework for over the weekend, as mentioned in class on Friday, is to post a comment on three different people’s blogs.  You are only allowed to post comments on people from your own period.  Remember, we are still in the process of getting to know one and other.  We are creating a unique classroom culture for each period.  

Your comment should be on the post that people made regarding what they had learned about themselves, other cultures, or a friend in class.  In a moment I will post the survey that you must also fill out before tomorrow’s class.  This should only take a few moments.  You will be required to enter you name, period, and names of those individuals that you posted comments to.  Also, please check the blog later today for a preview as to what the introductory unit assessment is.

Enjoy your Sunday!!! Go outside and play!

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