Monday, October 11, 2010

Three Gorges


  1. building the dam project has cost double price, and it also obstructs the fisherman to catch fish in rain season, a very suitable season for fishing. I wondered when the project will finish.

  2. The building dams project has affected the fishermen and their business.I wondered if this was a right decision or not to work on that project.

  3. I think that the government provides rice to the fisher that live near by might not be enough for them to live (speding, buying, school fees,...)

  4. Wow!! I don't think this is a good idea at all. It cost a lot of money and also affected to the fishman/fisherwoman and their career. Would it be successful after all?

  5. I didn't think many people have relocated and had nothing to do for along time because of this :|.

  6. this could stop the fish from swiming through the area

  7. it's true that Three Gorges Dam caused negative effects to those people who live close to the river. But I think more people got positive effect by hydroelectricity. For example, more people got jobs to work in the dam

  8. The government must take the serious action about the building because it affects much the people who depend their living in the river.

  9. Why they need to stop the water? This will change many nature things and life of people who live their.

  10. It's cost of a lot of money, and also waste time. The government decide to built this project, can effect the living or a work of a people, fisherman

  11. It was surprising to hear that there is a lack of water that makes all the fishermen jobless. It is true that it affects much ones who live near by and are dependent on the river. However, as an opinion, I think working on a project that "only causes misery" isn't probable at all.

  12. It's not fair for the people who live at the riverside. They lost their jobs because of the billions dollars project. The goverment give them 10 dollars and they have to try to use in a month. Is that enough for family have alot of children need to go to school ?

  13. dams making no help, just making everything worse (most of the things). Better to leave that river alone and find another place to build the dam. But then what we will do to the old dam?
    guess: Chinese people will destroy it and leave the materials flow down the river

  14. Three gorges built to help Chinese people, now it have negative effects on Chinese people, so is it a good thing at all?

  15. They should've stopped the development because people that live near the river have been majorly affected. Fishermen have been restricted in some areas to be able to fish, therefore fishermen are left struggling for money. As said, it just caused people misery.

  16. I had a question that how long government can give the fishers rice. I supposed it's not long. Furthermore, it's not a good effort to this complication. It's the very bad way to solve these problems. Beside they pay rice for the fishers, why do they don't use the other electric like wind-electric or sunlight-electric? Also, it will reduce their fishery and slowly begin more problems. I think they could stop and think more about the concerning before they choose that worst way!

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  18. We should not build dams, if we build dams, what happend if water go higher than the dam, getting worse

  19. To build this dam, it is only causing more money. Is it the good idea to do this? This project has affected a lot of fishermen who lives there.

  20. The goverment must carefuly about build the dam and think about people who lives near a river

  21. Poor the people why don't the government provide them supply rather than provide 10 dollars a month for rice

  22. It took so much money to build this dam and it doesn't seem to help any one. The government needs even more money to compensate to the fisher man. This dam is only bringing loss so far.

  23. Do the fishers improve the whole country's economy. Do they make lots of money, and pay lots of taxes?. Less money, paying less taxes, worse economy. Do you really think that the government cares about those fishers. They don't really care, don;t they? Take a look at Chinese population and think about how many people can China takes care of? and what kind of people would they care? and don't just judge China for doing silly things that even a kid could see through a video, because there are many things that you can't see.

  24. I think that the China government didn't think that the dam will cause a lot of problem , but is can use the power of water to have energy. The fisherman can not do any thing , because the stop the water.

  25. This could stop the fishes from migrating to other places. Plus, the fishermen won't be able to make a living.

  26. if the fisherman can fishing so how can they have money.

  27. the Dam project it is not a great idea. It made a lot of trouble. The fishers can't catch fish, it is a long time for the goverment that to give them the rice. and the river level have get lower.

  28. Wow, poor the fishermen, they don't have anything to do. The government should provide more supplies than that, or stop the bad situation if they can.

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  30. The China Government should have considered more and think it through before they decided to start the project. If the government worked a little bit harder and think about the possible negative effects, then the money wouldn't be wasted.

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  32. Wow, this project is contradictory! Well, first of all I wonder why the water cannot reach the required level in order to generate the dam because I thought sea level is rising caused by the melting of icebergs. Besides, there are a lot of rains too. Anyway, Yangtze - China's mightiest river, shouldn't be disturbed and damaged by any means because it takes an important role in human lives, especially the fishermen. Well yes, the project is made in purpose of serving human lives too, but it turns out to be a bad outcome, which means: the river is damaged; the dam doesn't help harness the power of electricity; money is wasted -> nothing but a serious toll. But, is there any possible solution at all? Is China's government planning to save the situation? If yes, how?

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  34. The construction of the dam had made the fisherman out of business, it made the level of water dropped. The dam could also stop fish from migrating up the river, this ruined their ecosystem.

  35. The building dam project have some effect for the fisherman. That make people don't have to fish and don't have money for living. The river was started to become a river without water. That was horrible

  36. WHAT!! The 3 dams effect the fisherman too?? how could this happen, why the poor always have to have problems. 1st, they cant fish so they will be no food for them so they will get more poor. 2nd, the government only give $10 per month?? Did they ask their self that could they live by only 10 dollars a month?? How can that be enough? And the last thing is that the dams cause the fisherman cannot fish, but it cannot control the flood and the one who got damaged the most are the fisherman because they all live along the bank of the river.

  37. Okay, so building a dam considered negative effect as well as positive effect. Positive effect- it helps preventing from floods. Negative effect of dams is the major thing that had been talked about in the video. Dams obstruct the fishermen from fishing, caused them out of work. Rainy season currently is their hope to do fishing, since the water didn’t even reach to the adequate point in order to generate the dam. Why? I thought the sea level was rising because of the effect of Global warming. However, why is the Chinese government so complicated when forbid the fishermen to fish when it is rainy? The subsidy that the government gave to those poor fishermen didn’t even enough! $10 can’t raise a person for over month.

  38. its sucks to be a fisherman and women right now
    because of the extremes weathers, and the government only hands them 10 dollars a month
    my family and i use way more for a month
    they can not fish so they cant sell the fish to earn profit, so they are really poor people living on ten dollars a month

  39. Just because of one need-hydroelectricity, that doesn't mean we have to forgive/throw away everything else/solution for the citizens? What a waste of the billions dollars and I demand for a better answer! [Please notice that all my comments are connected to each other]

  40. What a waste of money, you Chinese government don't care about anything, even your own people you don't even care about them, they are people too, not animal, you waste a lot of money for this Dam thingy, is it important? you know fishermen/woman go fishing for a living and you Chinese government just sit there and look at them suffers. Such cruelty

  41. I really pity those fishermen because they don't have enough money to support their family. I wonder if that family or any other family is going to sue the government. I also wonder how come the government didn't predict any disadvantages of building the dam.

  42. Strange weather patterns happening all across the world, and China, specifically. Floods and then droughts. Can the weather be more erratic? We want to stop global warming, but then hydroelectricity does not work as well? Is there anything than can be more head-aching than energy?

  43. WE must care about something. Chinese government don't care about anything.

  44. This dam project is a waste and doesn't help at all and also cause bad outcomes which is: wasting money, cause fisherman lost their job. The worst thing is, the government, they only give $10/month to the fisherman. I can't believe it, $10 dollars can't take care of a human in a month. I also wonder: Did the government have any plans before the construct this dam and why didn't the water rise to an adequate level to generate the dam? Which obviously shows that there is a high chance the government didn't plan before they build this.

  45. The dam not working at the maximum power to create electricity and they also harm the endless resources of the fisherman who want that river to be normal. So what the point for building that dam?

  46. Once again, the Chinese government are wrong :/
    i mean they expect tax from the community,
    and the fishermen make money by fishing.
    and if that resource is taken away from them,
    isn't it a negative effect for BOTH?
    less money collected,
    and all that money is wasted on the dam,
    which destroys the people's way of living,
    which ties back to money situation.

    sometimes, if people think a little, i think they can make a really big difference. the thing is, they don’t :[

  47. And of course, another video of technology not supporting the environment. I think that when people build structures, they should think ahead about what will happen in the future. This is probably a good example

  48. I think that the Chinese government should destroy that dam because it makes the people who live belong the river have a hard life.

  49. i guess people can get really mad because they're not allowed to fish where they want to.

    I think that the government should really think over something big before they do it because what they think is a good idea, ends up adding more misery to China.

  50. I don't think that the government had thought about this project carefully before they built it. They thought that the dam project would give better lives for the people there, but actually it caused negative effects, too. It effected the fishermen and people near by's lives so bad: they're losing jobs, they don't have money since the government only gives them $10 per month and that is totally NOT enough! Before they decided to build any large project, they should have come up with BOTH positive and negative effects so the citizens wouldn't have to suffer this much!

  51. I think that this project is useless, but, there are some people who bribed the government to do this to make money. I think government everywhere is pretty the same, they make profit on people's misery.

  52. I think we won't need the dam that much. The government thought that it would help the citizens. Well, it's not! Not only it caused trouble for the people that live nearby, it would also cause big change for the fishermen. They're losing jobs, since there are no more fish to catch, and paying them that little money won't help, AT ALL! I think before they would think of another stupid idea, they would think of the negative effects and the positive effects first, so that nobody would suffer.

  53. i think that dams are not so useful, the goverment wasn't smart when he let them build that. he should think careful before he do it

  54. mgh I think there just play roulette some time they get good ideas some times they don't they didn't get it this time power to the fishers and say no

  55. People don't get respond to the dam so it very dangerous for people who live there. Flood will raise anytime.

  56. The dams are dangerous and no useful. Why did they build those things? The dams also effect to the fisherman: They lose job!

  57. China have some rule and government it make people in here hard to live. People live same river live in here hard to live.

  58. OMG, they are spending their money for nothing and They are ruining fishermen's lives.

  59. The Chinese government doesn't know how to use the money. They started on building a dam without thinking about others like fishermans, who cannot fish for a living.

  60. The dam not working at the maximum power to create electricity and they also harm the endless resources of the fisherman who want that river to be normal

  61. The cost of paying to make the dam is very much. But though, the government don't care. Also, they don't know the bad things if they do that like fisherman, if they keep doing that, the river would very dry and it will have no more water. Fisherman can't go fishing anymore and they can't sell fish to make money for rice, payment, taxes,...

  62. i don't think that that is a good idea. Because it cause a huge amount of money to built it and it make life harder for the fisherman.

  63. I think this both have postive and negative facts, positive is, they build dams stop the flood and have more electricity, but they didn't think carefully of the people nive near there, it cause fisher to lose jobs, etc., haah.. Chinese.

  64. China built dam to crate electricity but it effect some fisher man. Poor them :(

  65. I think it was a really bad idea for the Chinese government to build a useless dam like this. Many fishermen are not able to fish for their living, they don't have a job which they can't make any money. The government only gives people 10 dollars a month to live, is that way too selfish? Do they think of a bunch of people out there or just themselves? Again, that's really mean to take an advantage on people's misery.

  66. so cool!!! that'll help Chinese people, we have to accept it because everything has a negative side. :D

  67. poor the fishermen! they cannot fish until the next fishing season. I think it's a little unfair for them. Because if they can't fish, they won't have money.
    But why can't they fish? I don't understand!

  68. The government wasn't smart. They build dams but they don't think about fisherman who can't catch fish to eat and starve to death

  69. I think that building the dams is the good idea, they could control flood and make electricity. But it cost a lot of money and maybe affect some fisherman, fish couldn't live near the dams

  70. The dam is not good because it killed a lot of Chinese people.

  71. The dam cause a lot of damages. I can not see the positive side of it.

  72. build dam is a good idea, because ist control flood and make clean electricty . But they are not smart becasue they don't think about fisherman

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  74. the dam is good because it can control flood and it's bad because it killed a lot of chinese people.
