Monday, October 11, 2010

Three Gorges Dam


  1. poor the Southern Chinese. at least 146 people have died and about 40 still missing? Wish those unlucky missing people will soon be find as they alive or at least they can be survive.

  2. The video talked about the flooding in China, and the 3 massive dams couldn't control the flooding. There were about 400 people were killed,and thousands of people had to evacuate.Was this the result of climate change?

  3. What could be the cause of these disaster, climate change or what?

  4. that's so sad.. poor chinese the water level raise so high and even the dam..unbelievable. hope it would be over soon..

  5. I think ur right Billy, climate change is the cause. Raised in temperature => Precipitation => Flood which caused thousand of people died and missing.

  6. The water is so so dirty :| Look like a huge gorge waterfall. Before they transported in that area by cars or motorbikes and now they move by boats :))

  7. It would destroy the fish species and it could be endangered

  8. OMG ! The people died and missing a lot. Poor China, the water too strong to destroy properties and life of people.

  9. Wow...water level reached 500 feet? That's really dangerous! Poor all those people who died! And the fact that thousands of people were killed in the past was...dreadful.

  10. can they live with that? A result of climate change it might be? That could probably wash away buildings and schools and hospitals and...must cause a lot of damages.
    P/S: This probably is WORSE than the rivers outside of our school this morning, right Mr. Blake?

  11. I have nothing to's horrible like a disaster. Poor for them, destroyed all properties and houses.

  12. Why don't they build the dam higher and push more water out? 500 feet is alot, if the water move over the dam like problem of Hoover dam in 20th century.

  13. dams are not doing much help for the citizens but at least they provide electricity (friendly to environment way)

    The flood + the dams = over 140 KOs, 40 lost and thousands been evacuated

    Don't mess with the Mother Nature :)

  14. As you can see in the video, the dams are not much of a help. More than 100 people have died and millions of people have been affected by the floods. They should start finding ways to control the floods.

  15. I can't believe that the water reached 500 feet. That's a lot, and I hope they can find the other 40 people who are missing.

  16. The water level raised a lot. And the three gorges dam might not hold water that reached 500 ft. So, there will be more and more of flooding would happen. A lot of people died and a lot of people still missing in the flood. This would make China's population to decreased.

  17. That's gonna be alot of water, why don't Chinese government build the dam hugher, they are rich

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  19. oh my god! is so horrible, poor for the people that lost there family:(

  20. The thing is they could hardly build the dam at this time, because it's flooding everywhere, and to build a dam that is "as firm as rock" costs some money, and what's important is that will the government pay for it?

  21. Illllllll! As I said, it caused many problems. It didn't give us enough protection . And they keep using these bad services? Have they ever thought that the people died and missed were their (government or the one who did these ideas) faults. I thought most fault about the government revolutions. They didn't build a good dam for preventing flood. Now, the climate is changing makes more disasters happen. I thought they should pay lots of money to build a super hard and reliable dam better than these ones while build a bad one and after that pay much more money for damaging. Whenever, the flood will happen many times more, do they just keep and try to find the missed people after it's happening or they'd prevent the flood first? That's a good solution for the today situation.I don't want to see or know any information that people died or something after disasters anymore.

  22. The water raise is even higher than 1998. A lot of them were dead and relocation........

  23. If China could build the dam more stable then the people who get stuck won't get stuck

  24. China Southern was really bad , about of flooding happen, the water cause over 500ft of water. I hope they got better after this.

  25. This is shocking! The water is raising, I wonder why the government won't build a bigger dam to prevent water from causing huge floods. I saw a place where i've been, I was just there about 2 or 3 months ago, I'm glad that didn't happen when I was there. Anyways, the water is probably too strong for people to go making the dam higher because it might be very dangerous. I also hope that there will be no more news about finding dead people out of the 40 people missing.

  26. I think China must buld a higher dam, that was about 500 feet,140 people die and 40 missing what a horible thing

  27. That's... terrible. There are too much water and it's causing a lot of damage in Southern China... Anyway, the dams were cool :)

  28. wow..more than 4000 people died and the water reached all the way up to 500 ft!!!

  29. what the! i thought that dam was supposed to help the Chinese and their land, not destroying it! The China government should consider more about rebuilding the dam with higher quality because this is not good.

  30. The water raise everywhere, and that is a sad news, even in Vietnam. Flood did killed a lot of people and make people became homeless. This is unimaginable 3 dams and the Southern China still get flood?? How massive a the water is and how power full they are, but there are still many people fight with it, they risk their life to save others and everyone should follow their examples and fight with it, never give up

  31. The Dam project just cost proplem and couldn't stop the flood in China, and that took away many lives, and others don't have a shelter to live. The Chinese built 3 Dams and it still can't stop the flood.

  32. I guessed that it's a big rain that 3 gorges dam can't handle it. Poor for all people that missing and pass away.:(

  33. In the Three Gorges video, they say that there isn't enough water and now that there is, the dam is causing floods. The dam sure brings a lot of trouble for Chinese people. I feel sorry for them.

  34. It effects the fishmen and the fisherwomen's business and lives. The government are wasting money on that dam. It isn't helpful after all.

  35. The dam can't hold the flood water, in the end it cause landslide and killed a lot of people.

  36. First, not enough of clean water then now over flow, causing floods. What?!

  37. If there were dams, why is it still flooding? Are the dams’ qualities good enough to protect the Chinese, or the government just built that in order to prove that THEY HAD DAMS, but those dams were useless to prevent flooding! In my opinion, one of the majority reasons that caused the poor quality of dam was that the contractors didn’t follow the technique of constructing a proper structure.

  38. No offense, but I think it's hard for humans to fight against nature. Well, now I understand that the rising of sea level doesn't really affect the dam since the water flows down from the mountains to undergo this process. In the previous video, it mentions that rains weren't enough to raise the water to the required level, but in this video, the water is too much that it overflows the dam, causing serious floods. I wonder if this has any relation at all to the weather extreme (like climate change, causing more rains perhaps?). Probably the consumption of electricity is too high, the government has decided to put more turbines in order to absorb more water, making the dam more powerful and effective. However, that causes floods and a high death toll. So far there seems to be a lot troubles within this project, but that doesn't mean it won't be successful someday. For years, previous generations had to die in order to create outstanding inventions, and probably this will be too. This might sound cruel, but the decrease in population of China is probably a good sign.

  39. oh my buddha
    its so sad that millions of people are dying or dead. Some are also missing.
    Well china is also over-populated so the death of theres people are good for the world
    but still its sad they died.

  40. OMG!!!! Poor China, the water too strong to destroy properties and life of people.
    I know that news in Japan I saw that news...!!!!

  41. @Lisa&Kristine: You are connecting to the over population thingie :) Ummm, I don't know; I still find this heart breaking. :((

    This reminded me of a quote of someone (Mr. Blake told me this :), I'm only paraphrasing.)

    "We face two choices. One, we can do nothing. If indeed, global warming is a myth, then fine. We are unharmed. However, what if it is not? Well then, we, or rather, our children and grandchildren, face a catastrophe. Two, we can act right now. All right, all our mind power and energy are wasted if global is indeed not real. However, if it was real, then we have escaped our extinction." --someone (paraphrased by me :))

    Well--yeah! Scientists are debating whether global warming is real. Fine! Why don't you stay for one year in this flooded area? People are dying, and you are debating over something that is "completely" (to me) useless. I'm just amazed.

  42. I have never experience such a high level flood, which is 500 feet! Like a swimming pool (Wow!). The dam doesn't help much is it? Anyway, the government didn't help at all. Too much raining after all in this area, while in other area in China's Gobi desert doesn't have a single drop of rain all all. Weird! I think this has to do something with Global Warming + Weather Extreme. When the Earth was heat up by Global Warming, it also heat up the ocean too. Water evaporate much more than usual which cause rain to fall more. But the question is: why does it only happen here but not somewhere else like the desert?

  43. Poor those Chinese people. I wonder if the government was kind enough to help people to evacuate or relocate their homes. The dam caused thousands of people to die, or relocate. I wonder if the Chinese government is going to destroy the dam or continue improving it.

  44. People spent money and time building the dam but it turn out that it make the people there have a harder life. I think its better to let things flow naturally.

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  47. This is a killer dam not a dam that support people energy to survive. This dam is like a killing machine that can kill 4000 people in one day. Incredible machine O.O.

  48. The 3 dams are helpless. The water raises even higher than 1998. It turns the whole Southeast China sinks in water. I think this have to do with global warming or something. Well, just my guess, it may or may not rite. Every thing happens on the Earth have to do with humans. And we are the one who make us lost our own kind houses and lives.

  49. That disaster could not decrease the population of China. There are so many of the and the dam is useless. It is a waster of money and time for building it.

  50. Dams are so inconvenient in this situation.
    It caused great loss of lives.
    and the water level got so high,
    even international swimmers couldn't even survive that, all that pressure and water and so less oxygen :/
    wow, what tragic :[

    government leaders are supposed to make their country look good, and mostly everything in the world is 'made from china'.
    so according to the majority of products and the quality of it, isn't china supposed to have the greatest dams too?
    if only people weren't so greedy..

  51. take a look at the water... it's disgusting. Did we make it turn out like that? :\

    I feel bad for the people who had to relocate their homes because of the dams. maybe stop making dams so that people could not die and live happily in their homes if they can't move out of the country.

  52. Oh My God! 'More than thirty eight million people had been affected by the flood and more than 1.3 million have had to be evacuated.' I think that if the government paid a little bit more money so they could build a dam with better quality, it would never cause anything that is terribly damaged like this.

  53. After watching this video, I think the dam had done nothing good but bring misery and disasters to the people of China. I think the government knows the problem of their people but they're just trying to ignore, so they could make money out of it. For those 40 missing people, hope they will soon be find.

  54. The water looks disgusting, looks like something would be in the sewer. Did we make that? :|...

    Also, take a look at those people who had to relocate their houses, obviously because of the dams! Break those dam (or stop building it)! STOP MAKING THOSE PEOPLE MISERABLE WHILE THINKING YOU'RE A HERO!!!

  55. The damages by water effect to the people in there very bad. The water was a lots and many people were died (some are missing). Poor China.

  56. The dam very useless cause sometimes it not really strong at it usually is. It could fall anytime. People don't get respond to make the dam stronger, poor people in China.

  57. Wow that must suck every thing they knew and love is now gone because of some water well I hope them the best of luck

  58. China is so different from what i've seen... poor the chinese that suffered from the disaster. i think China is getting worse and worse over time with what they were doing... =P

  59. The dam very useless cause sometimes it not really strong at it usually is. It could fall anytime.Wow that must suck every thing they knew and love is now gone because of some water well I hope them the best of luck

  60. Terrible, the water in the dam must help people. It must provide energy and provided water for the Chinese to use it. It not suppose to be that dirty. But i like the video. Nice description

  61. Poor the Southern Chinese. The water raises even higher than 1998. the water looks so dirty.

  62. The government had bought nothing for the people. The dam is useless, the level of water is raising and it cause lot of lives. The government is just selfish, they don't want to pay more money for the dam. I think that they don't even care. Sad video

  63. The dam should help ppl but now it turns to hurt ppl. The water right now even higher than 1998. It damaged houses, roads and many things.... poor them

  64. wow, I thought dam just causing small flood, but after I watched this video, it killed alot of people, like about more than a million, I think Chinese government should just destroy the dam, they just think for themselve not care about citizens and people.

  65. Southern of China have effect by many disasters. Dams helps people to control floods and electricity. But sometimes, dams are not high enough, so it may cause flood and flood killed people. In this video, many people have to died and some are homeless :((

  66. Oh My! That flood was really massive! How could people live with such a thing like that? One advice for Chinese people, you should make an external migration as soon as possible. ;)

  67. Oh My God! poor the Chinese people! :(
    i think it is very hard for the people to fight over nature.
    That flood is sooo BIG! HUGE! The dam couldn't even do anything much to stop the flood! :(

  68. I think that the the ability of China to prevent from natural disaster is not enough. They know that every year the flood would come and destroys things, threatening people life. But how come they build the dam that could not control the river water when it in flooding season? That such a wasted of money

  69. i thought the chinese people built dam to prevent flood aldready, they should be able to control flood. But i hope the missing people will be fine.

  70. the dam is not working. it cost flood.

  71. The dam is very bad, people are suffering from it.

  72. Can't believe that the dam was terrible. It caused many troubles, such as, people died, flood, ... Poor for Chinese people

  73. the water is to high and the dam is incredible large , hope the flood don't happend again

  74. Wow!Unbelievable!That's alot of water!Poor China

  75. The dam was terrible and it caused to many problems.
